A market and industrial town in County Durham, Darlington is well worth a visit. The town centre provides easy access to all of the great transport links and also into the beautiful countryside that lies nearby. You can reach Darlington easily by road, rail or even air when this town meets the River Skerne. There are all sorts of amenities in Darlington including plenty of shops that sell local produce and of course why we're here today lots of independent restaurants serving great food. Darlington's creative and cultural community has an award winning theatre at its heart, along with plenty of art venues. And, this cultural hub is where local sellers showcase their wares. The nearby countryside is filled with castles, scenic walks and dainty villages, and there's plenty of history and culture to learn about too. If you're interested in Darlington's history you can learn about the railway heritage at Head of Steam and take a visit to the Piercebridge Roman Bridge.