On the north-east corner of Trafalgar Square, this
iconic church made a radical decision to enter the world of events in 1987.
What events used to look like at St Martin-in-the-Fields
Until then, St Martin-in-the-Fields had relied on donations from wealthy patrons, but a new vicar, Canon Geoffrey Brown, decided it was time to take the church's future into its own hands. And so the Café in the Crypt was born, a shop and brass-rubbing centre were added, the concert programme was expanded, and spaces were offered for commercial use.
Events in 2017
They might seem totally sensible now, but Canon Brown’s ideas were considered quite controversial at the time. Today, his legacy would appear to bear him out, as public and private-hire events continue to support the church and its community work.
For more details and to book an event, get in touch with the team here.