Glaziers Hall invests £200k in a bid to move towards net zero

This eco-conscious venue has already implemented several changes to make its event spaces more sustainable.

Updated on • Written By Holly Butterfield

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Glaziers Hall invests £200k in a bid to move towards net zero

Found on the banks of the River Thames, Glaziers Hall has recently announced a £200k investment to its venue. This money will be used to replace its electric chillers and gas boilers with heat pumps in an effort to enhance the site’s sustainability.

This is just one step in the venue’s plan to eventually achieve net zero, having already reduced gas consumption by 40% in the past year as part of its sustainability strategy. Recent years have seen a move towards greener events, with venues looking at ways to make their spaces more environmentally friendly. 


Not only that, Glaziers Hall offers its own bespoke ‘Green Events’ package ensuring locally sourced catering from London’s Borough Market, as well as ensuring a Sustainable Procurement Policy that guarantees any suppliers the venue work with are also making steps to reduce their own environmental impact.

Glaziers Hall is a historic Livery building boasting seven unique spaces available to hire, each offering its own character from the picturesque River View Suite to the trendy subterranean London Bridge Arches. Across its full capacity, the space can host up to 450 guests and acts as a blank canvas for anything from a corporate do to a wedding.

Will Simmonds, the Managing Director of the venue, said: ‘We are very mindful of the environmental impact that we have. It is important to us that we do what we can to make continuous improvements as we work towards becoming a net zero events venue.’

He continues, stating that: 'While our customers may not be aware of the changes, we know that we are meeting with our ambitions to implement more sustainable ways of working, and that matters to us all.’

Need help with planning something more eco-friendly? Check out our guide to hosting a sustainable event.

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