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50 Wedding Venues near Shepperton

We found 50 Wedding Venues within 0 miles11 miles of Shepperton

After placing that sparkling rock on your finger, one of the first tasks on your to-do list will likely be finding the perfect venue to celebrate your special day, and we know, a lot rests on just that. There are an endless number of options available online, and so it can feel like a really difficult task, especially if you're unsure of where to turn. We want to help you by making this process a little bit easier, which is why on this page, you can sift through the options using our filters, allowing you to refine your search. If you're searching for a wedding venue in Shepperton, you’ve definitely come to the right place. We’ve got a number of filters that will allow you to choose based on your venue type, your budget, and the distance you’d be willing to travel. You can also choose from a range of essential details, such as whether the venue has a wedding licence, offers free corkage, and allows a late night extension. It won’t be long before those wedding bells ring!

 Wedding Venues near Shepperton
 Wedding Venues near Shepperton
 Wedding Venues near Shepperton
 Wedding Venues near Shepperton
Map view

Denbies Wine Estate

Denbies Wine Estate

11.1 miles

You can get married at a picturesque vineyard with stunning views out across 265 acres of lush g ...

Merrist Wood Golf Club

Merrist Wood Golf Club

11.1 miles

Our Llewellyn Suite, with breathtaking views of the course and surrounding countryside, can acco ...

Stoke Place

Stoke Place

Stoke Poges
11.3 miles

Stoke Place really is a fairy-tale wedding venue, with sweeping staircases, stunning antique cha ...

The Mandolay Hotel

The Mandolay Hotel

11.5 miles

From the moment you enquire to the special day and beyond we will be with you every step of the ...

In the north of Surrey is Shepperton, a relatively small village that is just 15 miles outside of London. The village has a pretty rich history, having been mentioned in a document that dates back to 959 AD. The village has a busy high street that is filled with independent shops, welcoming restaurants and has even been voted as the politest town in the UK. Shepperton's Dumsey Meadow is the only piece of undeveloped water meadow that remains on the River Thames, and is home to an incredible variety of rare insects and plants that bring much intrigue to the area.

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