The story of Elephant & Castle begins with a young lad named George Schwartz, who, as a boy, sought refuge in London from war-torn Germany. During his daily commute to medical school, he passed a tube station with a charming name that captured his imagination: 'Elephant & Castle.' This enchanting part of his London life left a mark on him, and, upon retirement, decided to bring his culinary dreams to life. In 1973, he realised his vision by opening Elephant & Castle in Greenwich Village, New York, conveniently situated across the street from St. Vincent's Hospital. Finally, George had the opportunity to savour a life filled with the foodie delights he had longed for, all within the confines of his very own restaurant, adorned with a name from his cherished past. Now, Elephant & Castle branches are spread across the USA, Ireland and UK.
In Doncaster, step inside the cheerful, laid-back, and informal dining setting of Elephant & Castle, nestled in the bustling heart of the city centre, where locals come together with family, friends, and colleagues to enjoy great food that satisfies everyone's cravings. From world-famous wings and gourmet burgers to refreshing salads and homemade moreish desserts, Elephant & Castle is open for lunch and dinner seven days a week and serves brunch dishes on Saturday and Sundays.
Appetisers and sharing dishes kick off the main menu, including dirty chicken of tortilla chips with goujons, jalapenos and red onions, topped with vintage Cheddar cheese, hot sauce and aioli, along with a charcuterie board, and baby back spare ribs in a molasses-ginger glaze.
You definitely don't want to miss out on the desserts. Why not try the chocolate delice - ich chocolate with luxurious mousse like texture, caramel sauce, vanilla ice cream & raspberry confetti, or a nutty carrot cake with freshly whipped cream. Keeping things New York style, perhaps you'll order the baked cheesecake served with whipped cream and a salted caramel topping, or a hot fudge sundae.