50 Event & party venues near Bicester

We found 50 Event & party venues within 0 miles32 miles of Bicester

There are a million reasons as to why you may be looking to make a venue booking, and if you’re searching in Bicester, you’ve come to the right place. Our collection of Bicester venues for hire offers a good range of options to ensure your event is unforgettable. Whether you need meeting rooms or conference suites, a stunning country house or even fancy trying out a boat, we have something to suit your preferences. Use the handy filters provided to customise your search, whether you need pet-friendly venues, rooftop spaces for gorgeous views, or venues with built in entertainment. Our list of over 50 venues caters to all tastes, featuring modern spaces, unique alternatives, and old school historical venues. Just narrow down your choices based on your budget, desired ambiance, and venue type to discover the perfect setting for your event near Bicester. Whether you're planning a wedding, corporate event, or family celebration, we're here to help you find the perfect venue to create lasting memories.

 Event & party venues near Bicester
 Event & party venues near Bicester
 Event & party venues near Bicester
 Event & party venues near Bicester

The Manor at Weston-on-the-green

Weston-on-the-Green, OX25 3QL
4.0 miles

The Manor at Weston on the Green is located in the heart of Oxfordshire and nods to days gone by with its beautiful, ...

Blenheim Palace

Woodstock, OX20 1PP
9.5 miles

Blenheim Palace's 18th century Baroque architecture is set in more than 2000 acres of landscaped parkland and award ...

Waddesdon Manor

Aylesbury, HP18 0JW
10.2 miles

Waddesdon Manor was built by Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild between 1874 and 1885 and was created with the intention ...

Malmaison Oxford

Oxford, OX1 1AY
11.3 miles

Perhaps the most unique of all of the Malmaison locations across the country, this Oxford hotel is housed in a forme ...

Conference@OxfordSaïd – Park End Street

Oxford, OX1 1HP
11.3 miles

Saïd Business School is part of the University of Oxford, which has perhaps the richest and most popular educat ...

The Porsche Experience Centre

Silverstone, NN12 8GR
13.0 miles

The Porsche Experience Centre is found in the heart of Silverstone in Northamptonshire, offering varied spaces for h ...

Bicester is a quaint market town in northeastern Oxfordshire. Its historical town centre and thriving shopping scene make it a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. Perhaps what most people would recognise the town’s name from is Bicester Village, where you can find over 150 boutiques offering famous fashion brands at discounted prices – it’s such a big location that you could easily spend a whole day there walking around the many shops, restaurants and boutiques. But Bicester isn't just about shopping, it's also home to cosy cafes, restaurants, and independent shops, making it a perfect spot for a fun day out. Plus, its garden town status means there are plenty of green spaces to explore, something which always draws visitors to this part of England. With its blend of history, shopping, and greenery, Bicester has something for everyone to enjoy.

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