A legend among international whisky enthusiasts, The Highlander Inn nestles in the heart of Speyside, right by the world-renowned Whisky Trail. Aficionados & novices alike make a beeline for this white-painted hostelry-with-rooms for its mind-blowing selection of rare, limited & highly sought-after names (including a complete selection of Diageo’s 26 ‘Flora & Fauna’ range), & the owners have even started bottling their own single-cask Bunnahabhain (a 32-year-old beauty clocking in at 51.4% proof). To match your chosen sip, try something from a menu that runs from beer-battered chicken fillets to steak baguettes, haggis with neeps & tatties or Cabrach lamb chops with black pudding mash; a few more ambitious dishes are also available in the restaurant. Staff know their stuff, & the owners also run regular events to promote whisky locally.