My second visit to Grumbles. The first passed pleasantly enough, if not memorably. This the second, was a disaster from start to very swift finish.
I'm afraid I must now consider myself biased as a result: read-on.
I arrived with my friend, looking for a quiet port of call for 1/2- 3/4 hour or so, whilst we waited for the locksmith to let her back into locked-out local pied a terre. We asked if we could stay at the bar to drink; and that we might order some food. Duly seated upstairs, we waited to be served drinks, which followed after a bit a few reminders.
The locksmith apparently on the way, we asked if we could skip the food and finish our drinks. Officious waiter/major domo says no. The place will be booked-up in the hour and so if he is to serve us, he must do so now. I must point out that whilst I understand this is perfectly reasonable, the gaff was approximately 1/5 full, or 4/5ths empty, depending upon your point of view, at the time. I ask if we can order some token food. No sir, says he – you must order a main course – it is not a bar. Fine, say I, I don't mind, we'll order some food, but tbh we don't care to eat it. Officious waiter doesn't like our attitude and asks us to leave. We have been relaxed and polite throughout. My friend was a regular there – no more. I may have visited once or twice in the coming year – no more.
Note to owner of Grumbles: your restaurant was mostly empty at the time. My friend was a true enthusiast for your place; and I was well disposed enough towards it – all the hard work you had made building which, your flouncy pr**k of a waiter (30's male, french, brunette), has, in a moments' poor judgement destroyed. That is a real pity – and shame on him. I doubt he has cost you less than £500 revenue in the coming year.