Glen Nevis Restaurant and Bar

British, Modern European·

Good to know

Average Price
££££ - £30 - £49
British, Modern European
Food Occasions
Dinner, Lunch
Special Features
Gluten-free options, Vegan options, Vegetarian options
Food Hygiene Rating


Can they cater towards dietary requirements?

Yes - there are a number of vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options to choose from.

Helpful? 0

Glen Nevis Restaurant and Bar is featured in


Glen Nevis, Fortwilliam, Highlands & Islands, PH33 6SX

01397 705459 01397 705459


Opening Times

All day
Mon 15:00-21:00
Tue 15:00-21:00
Wed 15:00-21:00
Thu 15:00-21:00
Fri 15:00-21:00
Sat 12:00-21:00
Sun 12:00-21:00


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01397 705459 01397 705459

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