
Silver Award

SquareMeal Review of Cahoots

Silver Award

Like Gary Sparrow in 1990s sitcom Goodnight Sweetheart, you can time-travel back to WWII London when you rap on the ticket-office window at this mock-up 1940s Tube station. Set on a long-forgotten fantasy branch of the Bakerloo Line, complete with an original Underground carriage, it offers the chance to discover an air-raid shelter at the height of The Blitz. Jollied up by pint-pot pick-me-ups and tipples in Thermos flasks (all readied by a matinee idol manqué), Cahoots’s imagined cast of saucy sweater girls, seamed-stocking sirens, spivs, scoundrels, GIs and sailors jive to live electro-swing and gather for a sing-song at the old Joanna. With its period-perfect styling and wartime rations, even Vera Lynn would be fooled by this blast from the past – a celebration of plucky Londoners’ ‘keep calm and carry on’ ethos. And what a camp carry-on it is.

Good to know

Food Hygiene Rating


13 Kingly Court, Soho, London, W1B 5PW

020 7352 6200 020 7352 6200


Opening Times

Mon-Fri 5pm-2am (Mon-Wed -1am) Sat 7pm-3am


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020 7352 6200 020 7352 6200

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