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50 Event & party venues near Southwark London

We found 50 Event & party venues within 0 miles1 miles of Southwark London

If you're currently searching through countless options for a venue to host your next big event, then you've come to the right place. Our list of carefully selected venues encompasses everything that you could possibly need for something special. Whether you're on the lookout for a blank canvas, something a bit more funky, or even a historic venue, you've come to the right place. Simply use our filters on the left hand side to narrow down your search, and select from venues that have accommodation on site, a dance floor, and even allow your furry friends. You can also narrow down based on your budget, atmosphere and venue type. Just get scrolling and we know that you’ll find the perfect venue for your upcoming occasion with our list of venues in Southwark.

 Event & party venues near Southwark London
 Event & party venues near Southwark London
 Event & party venues near Southwark London
 Event & party venues near Southwark London

The Coal Shed, One Tower Bridge

London Bridge, SE1 2SE
0.4 miles

We know how hard it can be to find just the right venue in London for an event, big or small. But, The Coal Shed, wh ...

Situated in south London, the London Borough of Southwark forms an integral part of Inner London and is linked to the City of London and London Borough of Tower Hamlets through various bridges that cross the River Thames. Known for its lively vibe along the River Thames, Southwark is home to many cultural attractions such as the Tate Modern gallery and Shakespeare’s Globe theatre. With a history dating back to the 15th century onwards, Southwark has been a hub for inns, theatres, spas, country resorts, and various forms of entertainment and recreation for many years. Notably, the borough is home to the site of the Imperial War Museum at the southern end of Borough High Street. And for those who love literature, Charles Dickens found inspiration in the borough during his youth, setting several of his novels in this vibrant area where he once lived.

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