‘Clachan’ is the Scottish word for a hamlet but, at peak times, this high-Victorian pub, tucked behind (& once part of) Liberty’s, feels as if its population exceeds that of Aberdeen. A Nicholson’s house, it offers eight hand-pulled ales that might include Doom Bar, St Austell Tribute, Acorn Barnsley Gold, & Harviestoun Bitter & Twisted. There’s also a range of malts & wines (from under £13) featuring the always-drinkable Oyster Bay Pinot Noir & Prosecco at £16.95 (a bargain). Food is served throughout the day & covers most bases – bacon butties & a full veggie breakfast until noon, with anything from salmon en croûte or chicken & cider pie to doorstep sarnies, Eton mess & summer pudding thereafter. On Sundays, £10.95 pays for a roast with all the trimmings.