Rose Street Garden

Bars, Fusion, Pan Asian, Pizza·

Good to know

Average Price
££££ - £30 - £49
Bars, Fusion, Pan Asian, Pizza
Cosy, Fun, Lively, Quirky
Food Occasions
All day dining, Dinner, Lunch
Alfresco And Views
Outside seating, Terrace
Special Features
Vegan options, Vegetarian options
Perfect for
Birthdays, Celebrations, Dates


Do you need to book a table?

Yes, booking a table is recommended.

Helpful? 0

Do you have outside seating?

Yes, there is an outdoor terrace.

Helpful? 0


16 Rose Street, City Centre, Edinburgh, EH2 2PF

0131 624 8633 0131 624 8633


Opening Times

All day
Mon Closed
Tue Closed
Wed 12:00-20:00
Thu 12:00-20:00
Fri 12:00-20:00
Sat 12:00-20:00
Sun Closed


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Call Rose Street Garden to make a booking on:

0131 624 8633 0131 624 8633

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