17 Gastropub Restaurants near Gerrards Cross

We found 17 Gastropub restaurants within 10 miles 10 miles of Gerrards Cross

We know that finding a restaurant that ticks all the boxes can be a hard job, and that's why we've created a page that allows you to do exactly that. You can tick the boxes on the left hand side and let us know of the things that are most important to you when making a booking. We've got options that cover all bases, so we're confident that when searching through our list of restaurants near Gerrards Cross, you will find something that fits perfectly with what you have planned. Narrow down your options based on accolades, settings such as scenic views, family friendly establishments, and the specific type of venue – whether it's a trendy bar or a charming hotel. We especially love the number of restaurants with outdoor seating in this town (perfect for when the British weather plays ball). Near to Gerrards Cross, our wide range of restaurants is bound to exceed your expectations. Simply sift through our recommendations, and we're confident you'll discover the perfect spot for your new favourite restaurant in no time.

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Gastropub Restaurants near Gerrards Cross
Gastropub Restaurants near Gerrards Cross
Gastropub Restaurants near Gerrards Cross
Gastropub Restaurants near Gerrards Cross
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The Three Oaks

The Three Oaks

Gerrards Cross, SL9 8NL
1.1 miles
What we think
"Bridging the gap between country inn and local restaurant, this substantial brick and timber hostelry is an “excellent” addition to the dri ..." Read our full review
The Jolly Cricketers

The Jolly Cricketers

Beaconsfield, HP9 2YG
3.2 miles
What we think
" Situated opposite the church, this wisteria-clad Victorian pub has been given a shot in the arm following the arrival of landlady Amanda Baker. It r ..." Read our full review
The White Horse  Beaconsfield

The White Horse Beaconsfield

Buckinghamshire, HP9 2JD
3.5 miles
Chequers Inn

Chequers Inn

Bourne End, HP10 0JQ
5.7 miles
What we think
" The bar at the Chequers is pure Chilterns village inn (think exposed stone walls, low ceilings, an open fire & the hum of conversation), while t ..." Read our full review
The Crown Amersham

The Crown Amersham

Amersham, HP7 0DH
6.4 miles
What we think
"Simplicity rules at this genteel gastropub, where a seasonal menu offers gutsy food based on judiciously sourced ingredients. There’s plenty of s ..." Read our full review
The Ostrich

The Ostrich

Langley, SL3 0JZ
7.0 miles
What we think
"One of England’s oldest inns, The Ostrich dates back some 900 years and is a rambling monster of a place. The modern interior may come as a bit o ..." Read our full review
The White Oak

The White Oak

Cookham, SL6 9QE
7.0 miles
What we think
"Long-established as a local gastropub favourite, The White Oak is increasingly becoming a destination for a wider audience. Drinkers can still pop into ..." Read our full review
The Music Box

The Music Box

Hayes, UB3 1QT
7.4 miles
The Crown at Bray

The Crown at Bray

Maidenhead, SL6 2AH
8.1 miles
The Bricklayers Arms

The Bricklayers Arms

Kings Langley, HP3 0PH
8.3 miles
With beautiful surrounding countryside and nearby country walks over the rolling hills of the Chess Valley it’s hard to believe that the 18th Century ... Find out more
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Gerrards Cross is a town in South Buckinghamshire. It’s separated from the London Borough of Hillingdon by Denham, but is still close enough that you might live here if you’re a commuter into the city. It’s a pretty nice area to both live and visit, and you’ll often find plenty of celebs walking around. Between the late 18th century and the coming of the railway, Gerrards Cross was known as the Brighton of Bucks. This Buckinghamshire town has been regarded as quite a prestigious retreat, especially for those amongst the upper classes, and when you spot the country houses, you may see why.