196 Restaurants near Ulverston

We found 196 restaurants within 30 miles 30 miles of Ulverston

There are many restaurants near Ulverston, and we've got a list of them here ready for you to sift through. Making the searching process even easier are our filters on the left hand side of the page which are really friendly to use, and will allow you to fine tune your selection, making sure that the restaurants you're left with tick all of your boxes. We know that the internet can feel a bit overwhelming when there's no way of narrowing options down and that's where these filters come into play. Our wide list has something for everyone with nearly 200 restaurants near Ulverston. You can simplify your search and be presented with a number of options based on factors such as awards, the ambience, and the type of restaurant you'd like to dine in. In and near Ulverston, our wide selection of restaurants is ready to meet and exceed your expectations. Just browse through our list today.

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The Horse and Farrier

The Horse and Farrier

Threlkeld, CA12 4SQ
29.4 miles
The Horse and Farrier which for centuries has been welcoming customers lies just off the A66 to the East of Keswick under spectacular Blencathera. ... Find out more
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Ulverston is a market town in Cumbria. Although the population is quite small, Ulverston has had its share of fame amongst history. Perhaps best known for being the birthplace of Stan Laurel from Laurel and Hardy, with a museum commemorating the pair in the town centre, Ulverston has plenty of cool and wacky quirks to explore. You'll even find Sir John Barrow, the explorer and linguist, along with being the founder of the National Geographic Society, commemorated by the Hoad Monument in Ulverston. Whilst those two are some of the main attractions, you can also visit beautiful parks and gardens, take a trip to Swarthmoor Hall, which is a historical museum, visit some alpacas and llamas, or take a stroll down Ulverston Canal.