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50 Event & party venues near Cannon Street London

We found 50 Event & party venues within 0 miles1 miles of Cannon Street London

Grab a cup of tea, sit back and relax - we’re ready to help you with planning your next event. You’ve chosen Cannon Street as the location for your next event, and you’ll be spoilt for choice. You may be planning a baby shower and have been given a long list of requirements to abide by, or maybe you have all the responsibility put on you to host the next important meeting. Whatever the case, we’ve made this list easy to navigate by providing filters on the left hand side of the page that will allow you to sift through the options in no time at all. Available venues include conference centres, institutions, museum art galleries, nightclubs and hotels. To find the right Cannon Street events venue for you, simply tick all the facets that apply, whether you want a corporate meeting room or a blank canvas for a themed birthday party.

 Event & party venues near Cannon Street London
 Event & party venues near Cannon Street London
 Event & party venues near Cannon Street London
 Event & party venues near Cannon Street London

Cinnamon Kitchen City

Liverpool Street, EC2M 4YL
0.6 miles

Found in a former warehouse in Devonshire Square, Cinnamon Kitchen is a chef-lead operation and a landmark for India ...

Sea Containers Events

South Bank, SE1 9RQ
0.7 miles

Situated amongst the South Bank, Tate Modern and National Theatre, the state-of-the-art Sea Containers building find ...

Sea Containers Hotel

South Bank, SE1 9PD
0.7 miles

Nestled on the bank of the River Thames, Sea Containers London is an iconic nautical themed hotel boasting an impres ...

Cannon Street is in the heart of London's financial centre, a road that lies in the City of London and runs parallel to the River Thames. Funnily enough, the name has nothing to do with the large heavy gun used to blow holes in pirate ships. Way back when, in 1183, the street was known as ‘Candelewrithstrete’ (Candlewright Street), after the candle makers that lived in the area. The current name emerged as a result of the local cockney dialect. Whilst Cannon Street may have come a long way since then, it is still home to the mediaeval London Stone of dubious origin, which is set into an alcove opposite Cannon Street Station. The station opened in 1866, connecting the people of London from one side to another. There's plenty to do near Cannon Street, with attractions of the Clink Prison Museum and Guildhall Art Gallery less than half a mile away.

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