How to propose: 8 things to consider before popping the question

We chatted to the experts at The Proposers to discover their tips on how to seal the deal.

Updated on 25 June 2024 • Written By Naomi Grant

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How to propose: 8 things to consider before popping the question

Ready to pop the big question but can't decide how to do it? Once you've bought the perfect engagement ring, you're just a few steps away from executing an unforgettable proposal that will live on forever in your memory. Check out our ultimate guide on how to propose, with advice on everything from choosing a location to whether you need to ask for their parent's blessing.


Maybe you have a few ideas already; a rose-petaled scavenger hunt through your home? A special moment beneath the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower? Or, a rooftop proposal amidst the panoramic sights of London's skyline? No matter what the plan is, we recommend that you give yourself a head start by organising the finer details well in advance. This not only provides you with plenty of time to prepare, but will help you feel as calm as possible on the day, ensuring your long-awaited moment is free of stress and filled with joy. 

We asked Anat Lavi Crowe, Event Producer at luxury proposal company The Proposers, to share her expert advice when it comes to asking the all important question. According to Anat, the perfect proposal is unique to every couple.

‘When it comes to popping the big question there is no one-size-fits-all formula for the perfect proposal. What it truly comes down to is who you are as a couple and what your partner's preferences and likes are. The perfect way to propose is the way that will be most meaningful, magical and fun for the both of you', she explains. 

Ready to start planning one of the most magical moments of your relationship? Keep on scrolling for tips and advice on how to propose. 

8 things to consider before popping the question

From selecting the perfect setting to picking a proposal date, here are eight things to consider before you get down on one knee.

Make sure you’re on the same page

Couple hugging in sunset

The most important step before making your proposal is ensuring that you and your partner are on the same page. Although this may seem obvious, it's incredibly important that the both of you have marriage on your mind before taking the next step. If you feel nervous about initiating the conversation, a great way to navigate the discussion is to mention a close friend's recent engagement and ease into the conversation that way. Whilst this topic may be tricky to talk about, both parties need to express themselves, reflect on the direction of the relationship and decide whether marriage is the right step for both of you.

Chat with their parents

Two people havingh a discussion

Despite what tradition might tell us, getting the blessing of a parent before proposing is a personal decision. However, it's important to consider your partner's values and their relationship with their parents before ruling this step out. Parents care for their children immensely whatever their age, so asking for their blessing is not only a huge sign of respect but also a great idea if you are keen to gather some insider information to make the proposal even more personal.

Plus, parents love to be let in on surprises! If you're wondering how to go about asking them for their blessing, perhaps select a place and time for both you and your partner's parents to have a chat. Pick somewhere with lots of privacy and where you can have an uninterrupted conversation.

Discreetly store the ring

Storing wedding ring discretely

Nothing kills spontaneity quicker than your partner noticing the bulging outline of the box in your pocket. You can purchase discrete engagement ring boxes from retailers like Etsy to help keep your ring out of sight. It's also easier to hide a ring box in a bulkier outfit, like a suit or jacket, so consider your attire when you plan to pop the question.

Plan a celebration

two bottles of wine

Hopefully, they said 'yes'! If the outcome was a positive one, make sure to take the time to celebrate your proposal with friends and family. Throwing an engagement party is a fun way to get everyone together. Check out our list of the best engagement party venues to celebrate in after the proposal.

Or, if you'd prefer to keep the celebration small and low-key, consider booking a private dining room in one of your favourite restaurants with some Champagne on standby.

Make it personal

A bespoke proposal

Making your proposal personal is the key to expressing your love and understanding of your partner. Think about what style of proposal your partner would love best, whether it's a grand gesture or an intimate affair surrounded by close family and friends.

Anat concurs: ‘There is no one size-all formula for proposals - what is important is that it matches your and your partner's preferences and is a thoughtful moment.

'We are noticing that most of our couples are opting to go the private route these days. There is something so wonderful about having the moment to yourself so that you can fully take it in, at your own pace.’ 

‘Making a proposal bespoke is all in the details big and small. Does your partner have a favourite flower you can incorporate into the overall decoration, do you have some special memories of travelling together or does your partner have a favourite movie or TV show? Or perhaps you share a special relationship song - we love suggesting musicians who can perform the song live as you pop the question.’

Think about your location

The Proposers proposal set up

The location can make or break a proposal - think carefully about the atmosphere and setting of your special moment. Are you looking for something fun or romantic? Do you have a particular date you wish to propose or are there elements that impact the timing? These are just some of the questions that you should ask yourself.

According to Anat, the most popular time of year to propose is towards the end of November and in the weeks leading up to Christmas. February, aka 'the month of love', is also a popular time around Valentine's Day. If you're opting for a proposal abroad, May to September are popular months when holidays are typically planned and the weather across Europe is sunny.

‘We always recommend honing in on a date and place first, then from that it is easier to create an overall schedule and brief for the occasion,' Anat advises.

Consider a landmark location

Couple standing near tower bridge

According to The Proposers' data, a vast selection of their proposal requests are at some of the most iconic landmarks in the world. Locations such as The Shard, The London Eye and Tower Bridge are some of the company's most common collaborators. For non-UK proposals, popular spots include a roof terrace in Paris with views of the Eiffel Tower, on the banks of Lake Como, and in Santorini with views of the Caldera at sunset.

One of the major bonuses of a landmark proposal is of course the impressive backdrop for your photographs. If you are opting for a destination proposal, consider hiring a professonial photographer to snap the moment for you. You can also rely on event professionals like The Proposers to take care of every aspect of your proposal, from photography to venue and decor. 

Dont rush it

groom proposing

Now you're ready to pop the question! You’ve probably relived this moment a million times before in your head. When the moment comes, remember to take a deep breath, get down on one knee, and deliver the heartfelt speech you've prepared for your partner. Take your time and once you’ve allowed your partner to gather their thoughts, it's time to officially pull out the ring and wait for the ‘yes’!

Now you’ve got your proposal out of the way, check out our guide for newly engaged couples on what to do next. 

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