0 Gastropub Restaurants near Carlisle

We found 0 Gastropub restaurants within miles miles of Carlisle

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Gastropub Restaurants near Carlisle
Gastropub Restaurants near Carlisle
Gastropub Restaurants near Carlisle
Gastropub Restaurants near Carlisle
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Whether you're a local looking for a new regular spot or will be in town for a few days and are researching what's on offer, we hope you've found a dining destination in Carlisle to suit you. It's also worth noting that plenty of the pubs and inns also have rooms, so why not treat yourself to an indulgent and stress-free evening knowing bed is just a few paces away?

Aside from its restaurant scene, there's plenty to keep you busy during the day. In the town centre, there is a wealth of shopping and cultural activities, from theatre shows to galleries. For budding history buffs, you are in for a real treat with its historic castle located on the edge of town, which now houses a museum, and is a stone's throw from the world heritage site of Hadrian's wall.

Due to its natural location at the intersection between several Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, including the Lake District, Eden Valley, the Pennines and Northumberland National Park, Carlisle is the perfect spot to enjoy a day in the great outdoors. Hire a bike to explore the countryside or head off on foot and take on some of the Lake District's mountains, like Scafell Pike or Helvellyn. There are so many stunning views to discover.

At the end of the day, head back into town and enjoy dinner at one of the restaurants in Carlisle. Or, treat yourself and your loved ones to a special meal at one of the Michelin-starred restaurants in the local area for an unforgettable evening.