Bill's Restaurant & Bar - Greenwich


Good to know

Average Price
££££ - £30 - £49


Just round the corner from the Cutty Sark and Greenwich Park, Bill’s is positioned on the corner of the bustling Nelson Road and Greenwich Church Street. Inhabiting a locally listed Art Deco building, the newly refurbished restaurant features plenty of cosy candlelit corners, pops of vibrant colour and a nod or two to Greenwich's history. The perfect spot all day and into the night.


13 Nelson Road, London, London, SE10 9JB

02045126629 02045126629


Opening Times

All day
Mon 08:00-22:30
Tue 08:00-22:30
Wed 08:00-22:30
Thu 08:00-22:30
Fri 08:00-23:00
Sat 08:00-23:00
Sun 08:00-22:30


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