Christmas party venues in the spotlight

Take a closer look at our featured venues this month and be inspired to start planning your own festive celebration.

Sale e Pepe

Sale e Pepe



Bardo St James's
St James's

Bardo St James's

Discover Christmas party venues in London

Whether you are looking for a chic shared Christmas party or an outstanding venue available for exclusive hire, your search for all things festive starts here.

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Discover some of the best Christmas party event venues and restaurants throughout the UK.

Christmas party planning, ideas and advice from the experts

From how to plan a party to perfection right through to finding that must-have secret santa gift, discover everything you need for the festive season.


Christmas party FAQs

How early should I book the office Christmas party?

Christmas party bookings start as early as July, so if you are looking for a venue with exclusive hire or have a very specific date in mind, the earlier you book the better. If it’s a shared party or a dinner you are looking to book then August to October are the peak times that offices start to book their parties.

What is a shared Christmas party?

A shared Christmas party is perfect for smaller parties. You get all the atmosphere of a larger party without blowing your budget on exclusively hiring a venue.

What date is best for the office Christmas party?

Depending on how busy your business is around Christmas may impact the date on your Christmas party. Late November and early December might be preferred by your employees that could be travelling during the festive season.

How do I find a Christmas party venue?

We have a fantastic Christmas party venue directory that is filled with perfect party destinations. Filter by location, capacity and style to find the right party venue for you.

About Christmas party venues

Start Christmas party planning early

The earlier you start to plan your Christmas party the better. By planning early you will have your choice of venues and it’s likely that your guests will also have more free dates in their diaries. If you are planning for a particularly large group then ensure you start to search for your venue in late spring or early summer. However, if you have left it late then don’t despair, as long as you are willing to compromise on a few details then you should still be able to find something – perhaps even at a discounted price.

Plan your budget

Think about what is important for your Christmas party – will your guests be expecting plenty to drink? An impressive venue? Delicious food? Probably all of the above! Whether you are working on a small budget or a large budget, the main point is that you have a budget in mind. We would suggest starting by listing out your non-negotiables – those things that you really want to include in your Christmas party – that will give you a base to work from and then everything else you add is a bonus.

Consider your guests

When you choose your Christmas party venue think about your guests, what are they expecting from the Christmas party? Have you covered it? Also think about whether it is easy to find. If not then you might want to include more specific directions on your invitations or think about providing transport to and from the venue. Also think about the impact of attending – if it’s a midweek party then you may want to be kind to your staff and offer them a later start to work the next day.